Trekking from Yilhun Lhasto to Dege in Kham |
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Trekking from Yilhun Lhasto to Dege in Kham
9 days trekking with 7 passes in rare known Chola Mountain in Kham
Active monasteries: Garze, Dzochen, Dzongsa, Pelpung, Pelyul
Famous printing house in Dege
Unforgotbale communion with Khampa-Nomades
Block houses, traditional Tibetan villages
Visit Panda in Bifengxia

Day01 Arrive in Chengdu
Arrive in Chengdu, capital of province Sichuan, the home town of Panda. Picked up by the local guide at airport and transferred to hotel. 1N at 4*Minshan Lhasa Hotel

Day02 Chengdu – Yaan – Baoxing – Danba BLD
In the morning drive along Chengdu-Yaan Express Way to Yaan, the famous rainy city. and drive to Danba (1900 m). On the way visit the Dengchigou Catholic Church in the Baoxing Panda Reserve. It is the place where the and biologist David found the giant pandas and introduced them overseas from here in 1869 and thus it has become an important humanistic spot as well. Keep drive over the Jiajin Shan Mountain to Danba. The local people are called Jiarong (Gyarong) Tibetans. Visit the village Jiaju near Danba. More than one hundred buildings keep the same architectural style with a complete and unique character of Jiarong Tibetan residences. Under the blue sky, the Tibetan residences decorated in red, white and black are strewed at random but also in order from the bottom to the middle slope of the valley. 1N at 3*Dongnvguo Hotel

Day03 Danba – Bamei – Dawu – Luhuo BLD
Danba has long been acclaimed as the Kingdom of Thousands of Ancient Blockhouses. Visit the ancient block towers in village Suopo. Then drive via Bamei and Dawu (2950 m) to Luhuo (3150 m). 1N at 2*Kasa Hotel

Day04 Luhuo – Kasa Lake – Garze BLD
In Luhuo visit the Trango Monastery (Shouling Si). Then drive to Garze, the real cultural and religious center for the Tibetans living in Sichuan. In Tibetan "Garze" means "white and beauty", named after the famous temple in the county. On the way have a rest by the Kasa Lake. 1N at 2*Golden Yak Hotel

Day05 Garze – Yilhun Lhatso BLD
In the morning visit Garze monastery of yellow sect (Gelug). The temple was built in 1552. Afterwards pass by Manigango to visit Xinlu Hai Lake (Yilhun Lhatso), located at the foot of Chola Mountain (Que’er Shan, 6168 m). It is 4040 meters above the sea level, with an average depth of 10 meters and a maximum depth of 15 meters. There are plateau spruces, firs, Chinese weeping cypresses, azalea trees and meadows around the lake. It is also a preserve for wild animals like white-lipped deer. Short walking by the lake Yilhun Lhatso. Camping

Day06 Trekking Yilhun Lhatso – Dzen Tso Lake BLD
Today we say goodbye to the lake Yilhun Lhatso (Xinlu Hai Lake). Trek on the grassland along the river for about one hour and then enter a narrow valley. While walking along the brook, the elevation rises gradually. On the way, pass by some wickiups of the nomads, who remove with their cattle following the change of season. After simple lunch, keep on walking until come to Dzen Tso a beautiful small lake and set up our camp (4325 m). (Trekking about 6 hours). Camping

Day07 Trekking Dzen Tso – Dzen La – Ting Chu Valley BLD
Walk upward along the loose, narrow road. About 30 minutes later, have a last look of the blue lake and our campsite. Keep on walking upward and finally reach Dzen La pass, about 5000 meters above sea level, the highest point of this route. The scenery is wonderful! Walk down the mountain slope and descend the Ting Chu valley. Set up our campsite on the grassland by the river (4250 m). (Trekking about 5 hours). Camping

Day08 Trekking through Ting Chu River BLD
Walk along the clear Ting Chu River. You will see a monastery on the other bank of the river stands on a grand slope. But no way to get across the river. On the way, meet a hot spring. The water temperature is just as good as you can take a comfortable bath. At last, we settle ourselves on grassland by the river (3980 m). (Trekking about 6 hours). Camping

Day09 Trekking Ting Chu – Redak La – Meshuo Valley BLD
After walking for 20 minutes, we see two stupas and prayer flags just in the midst of the way. The road before merges into the river and we cross the river over a simple wooden bridge. The bushes grow well, as tall as tree. Meet some Tibetan girls, who are intended to dig medical herbs. Walk through the valley, you find the elevation reduces greatly and bushes change into pines. Pass by a Tibetan village and turn right up the mountain; begin walking up again. Anyhow, the slope is not so long and soon reach Redak La pass (4100) and enter Meshuo valley. Keep on walking and get across another pass Jungan La (4165 m). Finally, we walk through some farm field and set up our camp on the grassland by the river (3770). (Trekking about 6 hours). Camping

Day10 Trekking Meshuo – Dama Village – Rongmei BLD
Walk down through the small narrow valley and soon we see a village. Strangely, we see no people and the small temple lies lonely. Keep on walking and we see a highway the first time during the trip. Get across a bridge and walk along the earth highway for about 1 hour and reach Dama village, where we start walk up again toward Rongmei. The turbulent brook through the valley impresses you deeply. At last we set up camp in a small grassland by the brook (3850 m). (Trekking about 7 hours). Camping

Day11 Trekking Rongmei – Rongmei Kamo Pass (4680 m) – Dzongsa Monastery – Dama Village BLD
Walk upward through forests, meadows and villages. About two hours later, we see the shocking Rongmei Kamo, a secrete meditation center built on a steep hill. No visitors are allowed to enter. The colorful prayer flags at the foot of the hill flow in the winds, make you reminded of the ancient battlefield. It is said Padmasambhava from India the founder of the Nyingma Sect once practiced Buddhism in the meditative caves here. Keep on walking until reach the end of the rolex replica valley. If we get across the mountain cliff in front of us we can visit a beautiful lake after walking 2 hours. Since that visit is not in our program, we turn left and begin to climb the steep mountain slope full of bushes, grass and broken stone. After two-hour’s hard climbing, reach a pass as high as 4680 meters. Standing on the summit, you view the mountain ranges rolling forward in all directions. When you look down, you might be frightened by the sharp steepness of the slope. Anyhow, it is safe even as you run down the grassland. Enjoy the wonderful scenery while walk down carefully. You should pay much attention for a section of road covered with broken stones. Several small houses built on the steep cliff, are for the meditators. Everyone wants to know, how could they live on such an unavailable place? Walk down and down and reach Dzongsa Monastery (3690) at the foot of the hill. The monastery of Sakya Sect was built in 1253 and well famed with its Buddhist institution around Tibetan area. Tonight it is available to stay at a guesthouse, without private toilet. (Trekking about 9 hours). Camping

Day12 Trekking Dama – Campsite BLD
Though today’s journey is long and tiring, the scenery of the forest, valley, brook, snow mountain and meadow on the way is beautiful and impressive. People may be worried of the destruction of the natural environment when they see piles of timber by the river, workers transporting wood by water and wood processing factory. Cross through the tall bushes growing in the brook and the broad grassland dotted with cattle and nomads, finally set up our camp (3755 m) at the foot of a small hill. (Trekking about 8 hours). Camping

Day13 Trekking Campsite – Pelpung Monastery (3850 m) BLD
Trek downhill for about one hour and reach Qietexi village located at the foot of the Pelpung Monastery (3850 m, Babang). Pelpung was built in 1717 and is the largest monastery of Kargyu Sect in Dege area and famous for its Buddhist meditation center. Set up camp nearby the temple. Have a break today. (Trekking about 2 hours). Camping

Day14 Trekking Pelpung – Go Ze La – Xiega Village, drive Xiega – Dege BLD
I believe, you will recall today’s journey now and then in your later life. Several times you think oh we get to the summit but soon find higher passes before, and soon find the passes is not so difficult as imagined in your head. Say goodbye to the monastery and walk down and up the Go Ze La (4620). After get over the pass, walk down all the way. Pass by the Xiega Village and see river again. Walk on the earth road along the river and meet drivers waiting for us. Transfer to Dege city about 25 km far away. (Trekking about 6 hours). 2N at 2*Chola Hotel

Day15 Dege BLD replicas de relojes 
In the morning visit the Dege Printing House which has always been well reputed as the “Cultural Treasury at the Foot of the Snow Mountain.” It is the biggest printing house in Tibetan area. Another program is visit the Dege Gonchen, meaning “big temple”, a monastery of Sakya sect. It was built in 1448, today about 300 monks live here. We’ll visit the hospital of Tibetan Traditional Medicine.

Day16 Dege – Pelyul BLD
Today drive along the Golden Sand River (Jinsha Jiang) the upper reaches of Yangtze to Pelyul (Baiyu). Pelyul is a small beautiful city by the river Ding Chu. Upon arrival visit Pelyul Monastery (Baiyu Si) nearby the county seat. This famous Nyingma Sect monastery had played a great role in history and held many subsidiary temples. 1N at simple Shaluli Hotel

Day17 Pelyul – Garze – Luhuo BLD
Leave for Luhuo via Haizi Shan Pass (4237 m) and Garze. On the way appreciate the snow mountains and vast grasslands. 1N at 2*Kasa Hotel

Day18 Luhuo – Dawu – Bamei – Tagong – Xinduqiao – Kangding BLD
Drive via Dawu (Daofu) and Bamei to Tagong, visit the Lhagang Monastery (Tagong Si) of Sayka Sect, which is surrounded by three hills symbolizing three Budhisattvas. It is said that the blessing of a reserved Jowo Shakyamuni image left by Wencheng Princess in this monastery to the pilgrims resembles that of seeing the Lhasa Jowo Shakyamuni image itself. From here looking into the distance, we can see the mountain Zhara Lhatse (5.820 m, also Jara or Yala), if the weather is good. Keep drive to Xinduqiao, from Xinduqiao you can see the 7556 m high peak of Gongga Mountain (Minya Konka) if the weather is good. After Xinduqiao we cross over the Zheduo Pass (4298 m) to Kangding, the capital of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and the important juncture of Tibetan and Han People in history. 1N at 3*Kalakal Hotel

Day19 Kangding – Luding – Yaan BL
Drive to Luding and crossing through the 4.1 km long tunnel of Mt. Erlang Shan to Yaan. Visit the ancient town Shangli and the Pandas in Bifengxia near Yaan. Drive along Chengdu-Yaan Express Way back to Chengdu. 1N at 4*Minshan Lhasa Hotel

Day20 Leave Chengdu B
Transfer to airport and see off.

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